We offer a free check-up on any Pac-Man or Ms.Pac-man game board sent to us. CLICK HERE to learn more. If you'd like, we can install the 16 game kit at no charge while your board is here if you just include on your note that you want to buy one.

BUY ONE NOW for immediate shipping:

SABC 16 game kit


Plug-in kit for Pacman or Ms Pacman

Every PACMAN and Ms PACMAN game has the same main circuit board inside.
Over the twenty-five plus years since it was introduced, several new games have been written to run on the PACMAN main board. It is now possible to remove and discard all of the original program ROMs from the main board and to fit sixteen different versions of the software on one ROM.


This is a simple plug-in kit which will resurrect many dead Pacman circuit boards. If your game crashes because the ROMs are old and the legs are rusting off them or the ribbon cable has become brittle, THROW THEM ALL AWAY! This kit takes advantage of advances in technology to replace them all with a small circuit board which plugs into sockets which are already on your main game board. No more ribbon cable, no more satelite board. And no more 285 SYNC BUSS CONTROLLER card; it's functions are included in the SUPER ABC!

The SUPER ABC kit sells for $289.00 and includes
illustrated installation instructions.

Take a look at the SUPER ABC kit:

Click on the circuit board to see it close up. Click here to see it giant size!


BUY ONE NOW for immediate shipping:

SABC 16 game kit


Two Bit Score Amusements

4418 Pack Saddle Pass
Austin, TX 78745
512-447-8888 Voice
512-447-8895 Fax

e-mail to: Sales@Twobits.com

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